Saturday, August 23, 2008


To know about future has been a curious aspect of human history

Friday, August 22, 2008


We call it space while there are billions of stars already present and htousands of new stars and nebulae forming as we are thinking for a moment ! Then why we call it space? Or it is already human centred idealogy that as in Arabic it is makan and la-makan... showing that here on earth human beings live and in space no human beings live and survive. Then stars and nebulae can be parts of space but wihtout any human trace, this will be khala in Arabic meaning space.

This shows the context and limitations of our terms which we use to name and describe our knowledge of understanding our environment and indication of prospective construction of edifice of terms and ideologies based upon this initial understanding. In this process terms of different meaning,texture and range show its attachment to the uindelying ideas and context of the situation.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Life's shades of varied depth and enormous categories make this life more and more intriguing and perhaps cumbersome.

The movement is not every thing for continuity of framework of civilizational experimentation and enrichment at individual and collective level. The peace and solace of one's own inner self is the beauty of humanity enduring and eternal!

Beauty and absurdity walk hand in hand with each other and strive to excel at the same time and for the same goals , to keep the passions entangled.


 اداسی اور بے بسی بے عملی اور کٹھور پن.