Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why people are poor?

As to how rich are responsible?

Its answer is in rampant consumerism and fundamental capitalistic mode of speculation and accumulation of wealth and concentration of wealth in a few elites,politicians,bureaucrats, corporate entities, powerful feudal and wealthy corrupt mullahs and all those who exploit the resources of society to enrich themselves at the cost of others.A poor man can not take loan of mere thousands but a mill owner can take billions and run away without paying it even. ( The present bailouts of West are also sophisticated tools of the same mentality).

Knowledge control , power control, elitist social hierarchy deny talented the right to education, health, and a decent code of life.Is the world's resources for few or for whole of humanity?Should a weak person be deprived of whatsoever he has or help him to earn more?Why WTO asks fro Free Trade and rich dole out subsidies of thousands and put pressure on poor to deny this right?Who eats, consumes , wastes resources and then says , it is my skill and then says poor are poor because they do,nt work!
Who controls sources of wealth and who develops public ideas? Who exploits African mines and gold and keeps those poor? Who buys products and raw materials at lower prices and then sells at exorbitant profits ?Who makes laws to legalize the in-just divides of wealth and power structure in society?( I do,nt believe on communist ideology of state control... it is another name of exploitation. )

Who wants to sell GM food to poor people?Who forced farmers to grow coffee in Africa and destroyed local economies and made them dependent upon greed of corporate entities?

Why suddenly prices of oil and food items are going down?Who gambles and speculates in stock exchange?Poor people?Who works hours and hours to produce and who remains poor even after 10-15 years of service but the owners build many more factories?Who wants to sell Lux and Fair n Lovely to poor who have no clean water to drink?

there is old Urdu saying leray fauj nam serkar ka( Military fights but kudos to Government.)!so is our present age, where exploitation is justified on the bases of innovation, free market economy, capitalism and free world.Power is logic here and we should accept this dark fact, if we accept the rot then may be we can try to change it.

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