Monday, December 14, 2015

Modernity, Islam ...Role of Political Interpretation as a Power Tool .

Modernity, Islam ...Role of Political Interpretation as a Power Tool .

Islam has a wonderful and amazingly rich cultural traditions and it created many new knowledges unknown to human intellect and mind . The examples of such creative innovations are many , for example in maths Algebra, in social sciences Sociology and many more subjects.

I am more focusing on the purely Muslim knowledges and of concern to Muslims only , they are Tafsir , Hadith , Fiqh and to broadly say a unique Islamic method of understanding law and applying it to real life . This tradition is the reason that the modernity and hundreds of year has not been able to change the overall intellectual clarity and its essence despite a lot of efforts being made to rewrite the software of Islam ( see Tom Friedman and many more scholars of west in this direction. )

The uniqueness of Islam lies in the fact that it has very sound, reasonable and clear directions about what is final or what is not . The eternal principle is Quran and Sunnah of prophet peace be upon him. There is role of  leaders also known as Oli al Amar....but the principle is clear that in the absence of doubt follow the authority as per the guidance laid down in Quran and Sunnah case of difference only binding authority is Quran and Muhammad peace be upon him. No other authority is final or worth following. This has been the standard basic foundation of Islam since its inception .

The beliefs , worships and basic standard rules governing the most important aspects of life are clear laid down and only minor differences due to local practices and some ideas are adopted as various streams of religious interpretation usually known as Madhaib or Fiqh schools. The differences portrayed and propagated as reason for rewriting the software are trumpeted as of enormous importance . They are minor details differences and no major difference in basic principles and spirit. ( The exception may be the treating of imamat as being part of Iman by Shiahs ...which is not case in majority of Muslims ) . Sawad e Azam is the carrier of spirit and ideas of Islam and the complete Deen has been there and the natural evolution is working with its own pace as per local conditions to get adjusted as per the needs of the society confronting the challenges of the society. Its amazing example is reducing the age of Nikah annulment by many years due to lot of men being killed by Indian occupying forces. This was den despite the fact that there is propaganda that Islamic law is too strict and inflexible.

In Islamic tradition there have been varied challenges to its integrity and clarity of thought throughout its inception . The details can be seen for each century with relevant issues. The most consistent disintegrating thought and often cropping idea which challenge the cohesion and clarity of Islam is the idea to cast aspersions , doubts and intentional misleading tactics to undermine the role of personality of muhammad peace be upon him since the Kharjites to present progressive lot. The basic purpose of this whole debate , which has always been dealt in past and since its inception is to counter it intellectually and with power of social cohesion  and knowledge to defeat the anti Islam thoughts on the name of rationalism, freedom of thought, intellectual hubris, and ill informed understanding of Islamic thought. Such groups have never been accepted by Sawad e Azam , but many times they have been successful to grab power through the means of conspiracy , joining the state power, and taking advantage of local passivity of Muslims . But their success have always been temporary and never the mainstream thought of Islam.

Modernity is equivalent of Western power since the advent of colonialism and rise of capitalism since last two centuries in broad terms. This phenomenon of modernity affected the Muslim power directly and slowly it began to influence the thought process also. In age of cyber technology this impact has got speeded up due to speed of sharing of information and skewed knowledge base of social media and Internet in Muslim world. This has changed the nature of challenge and increased anonymity and non ascribing hostility to be treated as true in the virtual world. This distortions of reality does not affect the person who has any link with hard form of information through books , but it affects the  most who have only source of information through Internet and social media only . This limited information based upon narrow ,unverified and cult like information affects the already limited understanding of some people in a way which increases confusion, stubbornness , and distorted personalized understanding of Islamic thought especially among the educated and modern league of Muslims .

The anonymity of Internet has encouraged Christian clergy, Hindu pundits and many other religious and cults to adopt the method of ignorance as the tool to construct the image and reality of Islam. This reality is based upon fiction, misrepresentations, out of context information and highly politicized and propaganda oriented use of information to defame, disinform, malign and affect the reality for personal narrow gains. This technique of anonymity is the conscious response of the people who have not been able to defeat an idea through open power and force but now resorting to release the right frustration through the changed media of Internet and cyber world. Previously they used direct and personal techniques and used the same material of targeting the Islam and its prophet peace be upon him . This is a continuous warfare launched specifically by Christian clergy since its inception but lately Hindus , Jewish Rabbis and many Buddhist followers have adopted the same techniques to propagate and defame Islam . The serous investigations have already discredited the lies and malignant hate material but the modern anonymity factor of Internet has given it new lease of life . As the attention span is limited on Internet and it affects the brain simulation with less attention span , so the social media and Twitter play a dominant role in perpetuating a fabricated reality to be imposed upon gullible modern users of cyber world. The youth are always the recipients of this hatred and propaganda material.

If a person is not Muslim it makes sense that they will raise alarm against the Muslims and Islam but the situation becomes more interesting when Muslim born progressive lost becomes unwittingly or consciously the tool of rabid hate and ill informed propaganda a about Islam. The decline of intellectual rigor, quality of scholarship and skewed and compartmentalization of knowledge are some of the causes for this distorted image and view of Islam. The recent wars against terrorism has provided ample fodder for the hatred to flourish especially on cyber world. This menace of using political purpose to deny people their right to judge an idea on its bases has been the most important causality  of modernity  . The anonymity, rapidity, availability and unrestricted access to information and sharing impersonal information with whole world has multiplied the impacts and speed of hate . There has been change in the range of information sharing and its targets have also reduced and increased in its intensity . The most ill informed , based upon ignorance and shallow scholarship based material has flourished on Internet. A person with a civilized person will not like to talk for a moment are celebrities on the Internet and they spread and propagate hatred with venom and impunity without any reprisal of personal nature in the shape of intellectual engagement . They have no reputations to save, no civility to show, and no personal responsibility and attachment to prove veracity of ten ideas they propagate . They just fire bullets of hatred in the form of cyber ideas and then relish its duplication without any rebuttal or intellectual engagement . It is fun and thrill of cyber world for them. The consequences are not counted for. Even if some one challenges , then I friending, not following and bullying are the means and methods to perpetuate hatred and ignorance. The sheer control and I personal nature of information sharing makes the cyber world a Frankenstein uncontrolled. It's classic example, is Arab Spring influenced, propagated and initiated through cyber world but no bases in reality of the land where it unfolded enormous bloodshed and social upheaval with economic consequences. Muslim world' s many countries are witness to the rolling power of this enormous behemoth.

In this backdrop the hatred and ignorance about Islam and its prophet peace be upon him adopts to newer and newer modes and recent surge in denying Hadith and Sunnah of muhammad peace be upon him is a fad which is being inspired from ten Christian tradition of divesting Islam its bases by targeting Muhammad Peace be upon him's role as the law giver and final authority along with Quran . The personality of Muhammad peace be upon him and Muslims ' attachment to him in person and at intellectual level  is the real  obstacle in the path of conquest of Muslim mind to liberate and cHange its software to make it compatible with surreal and temporary reality of modernity . The war to win minds and hearts of Muslim along with war on terrorism is firmly based upon the idea to develop a breed of progressive Muslims who propagate and portray that Quran is enough for us and we do not need any person to follow ....and they deny the role and centrality of prophet peace be upon him in Islam     Through various means . They cast doubts on his personality, they raise lies about the events in his life, they target his personal life and they change the definition of the Sunnah to undermine and present a soft image of Islam. The war against terrorism provides  best context to focus on this propaganda driven absurd and consistent effort. Disproportional and exaggerated references to acts of individuals are compared  with mainstream Islam and thoughts of Islam are not understood as they are but as modernity perceives it t be...shallow, impersonal, devoid of real knowledge and ephemeral to its core. The support to such scholars who can carry on this hatred and confusion mission is in the form of promotion on special forums, rapid image building as scholars of Islam , monetary benefits through grants and institutions , induction on Wikipedia as scholar  of Islam with progressive interpretation and continuous patronization with material and immaterial benefits . The liberty and freedom of thought are the ideas used to entice the youth, the craft is used against Muslims as they always support the images of modernity about Islam by speaking against an imaginary reality produced and propagated on cyber world or controlled debates at intellectual and social level. The real and original ideas of Islam and Muslims are not read, referee or challenged but views of their enemy lying in the imagination and cyber world . A political construction to remold the reality of enemies of modernity....

Pakistan is a country where the tradition of schism based upon religion is peculiar to society. This is an indication of the tolerant and creative attitudes of Muslims of South Asia . That is the reason Pervezis , Qadiyanis  had followers among Muslims due to polarized society and large Muslim population. Qadiyanis were legally declared nonMuslim upon the bases of denial of finality of prophethood and rightly so due to the fact that the schism and danger to social and political cohesion of society was source of violence and disintegration. The society took decades to change a de facto situation into dejure through legal means by changing constitution by asserting its right to keep its ideas clear and stable.

The denial of Hadith and distorting definition of Islam is also a phenomenon which was adopted by many progressive scholarship in South Asia ...and tried to make Islam modern through illogical , absurd, flawed and egoistic interpretation of Islam in modern world. Ahle Quran were its main architects , they denied Hadith and Sunnah altogether , but its new shape has arisen and they have adopted a far cleverer method to deny validity of Prophet muhammad peace be upon him's foundational role in Islam ....they deny completely Hadith as source of law and distort Sunnah being of other prophets peace be upon them . The role of prophet peace be upon him as the final authority from Allah is taken away and the personal interpretation and modern progressive curtain is placed over Islam to satisfy needs of modernity and personal desire of intellectual  hubris. There is amazing similarity in such politically motivated ideas of Islamic thought, they deny Jihad, ( with putting various conditions , distorted definitions, to confuse legitimate struggles for liberty and forcible occupations) , finality of Prophethood,denying the legal, binding role of prophet of Islam peace be upon him , and confusing the compulsory ideas as temporary. For example Qadiyanis believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in capacity of Messsiah has abolished Jihad as authority from Allah . The Jihad is just struggle for Liberty, freedom and a duty to save world from oppression , and in Islam treated as compulsory if the need arises , progressive scholars confuse it with terrorism and play to voices of modernity by reducing it to a tool for conflict only. Similar ideas are echoed by Wahid Ud Din of India and Ghamidi from Pakistan. Ghamidi makes the Jihad conditional with permission of state....and the question arises where should Palestinian , Kashmir and other struggles against oppression be placed?

The awe of modernity and its speed through information technology , and might harnessed through scientific power has affected the understanding propagated through narrow prism of political understanding . Modern global system is state based and power is the ultimate criteria to judge good or bad as proven through the interplay of political, economic and social forces. The human freedom and its individuality and inner spirit are denied its own place and modernity 's relentless march is to prove that state power is legitimate and modernity is the only truth. Because Muslims do not change so...they need to be play this role Mirzas, Pervezes, Ghamidis, Ibne Warraqs and Ibne Sinas will always be there to play an old game of misleading and hatred ! Are we aware of this?

1 comment:

Muhammad Rizwan said...

Plausible Illustration, attempted wonderfully


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