Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thoughts on Religious frenzy in Pakistan...

Tragedies are part of humanity, and this is all result of LEGAL FECUNDITY in our cultural milieu. It has deep roots. MQM' s stance shows that how polarized our society ahs become. We need to brideg this gulf, otherwise it is sundering us aprt. Middle path is the best path, extremes are not solution.

acts always need to be seen as they are , life is not as simple as it seems to be. Debate always should be open and if you show such rigidity then what is difference between those and who profess progressive streaks? There is always room for improvement.

I remember Nizamud Din Auleya , if some one places thorns in your path and you also do same .. then there will be thorns every where in the world.Hazrat Ali RA said patience is the horse which never gets stumbled.Passions are not always the right solution.
It did not happen in one day and if THIS is the chance for peace then why not give it a chance?

HAs USA been successful in Iraq? Afghanistan? Was she successful in Vietnam? Let peace have a chance. People of Swat have right to peace as much as people in Washington, Bonn , London have right to peace. If USA can talk to Iran, and if it comes from USA in Afghanistan to talk peace with Taliban.... then it is ok. But if the same formulae is applied in pakistan. then how it can becomes darkest day?

Democracy is right of majority, although it is not always right. Let democracy carve its own path.
Guns are the enemy of humanity whether they are of talibans, Army, USA or any other else. Rome was not built in a day, and this polarization of decades can not be done away with power or brute power. How many wars have brought peace?

Imprisonment is also a way of dealing with disorders, if they fail to deliver ( although it is done under coercion) then it will die in the mountains .

Why a gun is sacred and other devil's? Guns can never be roses. Drawing lines is easy, seeing behind lines is not that easy.

We can take a horse to pond of water but can not force him to drink!
ANP has demanded this. After reading the text in depth and I am remembering that in year 1999-2000 in Peshawer Provincial Services Academy (PSA). I raised objections to this Regulation system to the person who drafted this Mr. Saleeem Khan Secretary Law in NWFP Government and I still oppose it at intellectual and conceptual level ...it can not solve the issues of people as it lacks the spirit of Islam.

But the sad reality is that people with guns have made this an issue and till this fang of slogan of religion is not taken out of their hands there can not be any peace.

This is peculiar to the area as FCR failed to adjust with the social set up of modern times in Swat and adjoining areas. It will be another law ... but if it brings peace then its faults are welcome.

Legalization in the area is a way to peace. As to hype that such things can happen in other areas...yes it is a threat in certain areas. But it is overly exaggerated to say that this narrow minded interpretation can triumph over whole of pakistan. Not at all, Pakistan is a diverse country, and its ethos are of peace and peaceful existence at dominant level. Unfortunately religion has overtaken normal debate in our country as we never thought with mind and now it has become monster. This monster of jihalalt can not be done away with killings. Simply can not be . Technology fights technology, this fight can not be fought with tools which people can not understand and correlate with.They exploit terms of Islam and interpret it as per their own ideas, but how far we have employed its real interpretation to negate their ideas? We have not done it simply , this is a real test of intellectual leadership of society. Power can never hold for longer. Nights can be long and long, but there is always DAWN.We need to take away their weapons of steel and fire and of hatred in the form of ideas. Till we deal with them holistically, they can not be defeated , this is truth sooner we learn better.
cheley chalu key manzil abhi nhin ai!

TRUTH can be overshadowed but can not be done away.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts on Religious frenzy in Pakistan

Talbanization was an issue, is an issue and till it is rooted out will remain an issue.These punishments, mode and method as understood or portrayed is entirely not in line with practices of Islamic culture and history.This present extremism is not new to Muslim culture , such extremists have been there and they have been crushed with reason and power. But this time American presence and an advanced media presence and legacy of dictatorship is making it more difficult to develop consensus. This is also exaggerated by foreign score settling in this hour of crisis. To equate this with true teachings of Islam is wrong morally, historically and factually. Extremism is enemy o humanity and especially religious extremism is most dangerous. We should fight it with all means.

If we do,nt understand history of a process then we fail to control its present and ultimately its future. And Mian brethren, they are most important characters in the past and present of this issue. Do you remember when Anti-Terrorism courts were made and by whom and for what purpose? By NS in 1997 ,to curb and control menace of religious and sectarian violence. It was first practical and conscious attempt to curb this menace.

Why they get bad press I fail to understand. NS had a deal with Clinton to train Pakistani Commandoes and they will catch OBL form Afghanistan and hand over him*( Se Bob Woodward). SS got killed many terrorists in police muqabelas. The same solution now adopted was adopted for implementation in late 1990.s ... but coup stopped this process.

Stereotyping always results in narrow targets, in times of crisis, emergency, and open rebellion demand more justice and deeper understanding of the facts to chart a healthy future.In Islam even war has principles, these butchers of human beings have no relation and reason of Islam. If the terms and symbols of Islam are not used they turn the debate as Western propaganda and confuse masses and all related. We need to single out them from within islamic debate , otherwise their influence will increase. There is local old saying iron cuts iron! Mere opposing is not solution.

Diverting the debate and taking superficial view of things happening in pakistan related to violence can not help us understand the reality of rise in extremism in Pakistan. Karachi is different story and in mid 1990's I was offered to join terrorist organization SSP and was asked to join and get money and weapons on hatred of Shias and all other non sense.

Religion's political and vested interest use is the issue , it is not as simple fighting between USA and Taleban. religion when ever in human history has been used to protect power or improve morals of society is bad bad and will remain worst crime.

But this giant has been unleashed in Pakistan and ethnic strife should be separated from religious one. My point is that in hands and minds of Taleban the fang is use of religion and it s poisonous use for personal agenda. Not all people choose them due to poverty, money or other issues. The silent majority of our writers in Urdu press , mosques and many many anchorpersons supports them or helps to support them through garb of religion.

Till this garb of religion is taken away from them, they can not be defeated. Me and you can know them in our safe havens , the people and forces who face them have strong strong adherence to popular religion. It is issue of leadership of minds and it is unfortunate due to state and out of state elite's apathy they have created their base in society.

As k those who do,nt want to kill their Muslim brethren , although they are ready to kill no-Muslims. It is an issue of Asbiyah, solidarity . they are using false interpretation of Islam as their bases of cohesion. Are their opponents coherent? They are not ... and this confusion and half hearted debate has shown them more powerful and enduring. Mere killing people is not solution.

Peaceful solutions are longer and one defeat can lead to another war. Treaty of Versailles sowed seeds of Second Greta european war of 1940's. The solutions should be enduring, not fragile and breakable.

No one is angel here and we all have our personal issues and yes length of hair should not be determined by a decree!

If they did it was nom sense and it is not a good idea to repeat even .

But if some one has done something to curb this menace we should have perspective at least. Although politicians never do things of public concern till they have pressure from public.

Cultural ideas keep on changing and nothing is permanent in this regard. even if they have qualms that they will also determine fashion hair and design, then they certainly live in fool's paradise!

Self cantered interests are not always suitable for society. Every one has freedom , but it stops when one's nose starts!

Issue is terrorism on the religious ideas... this is a menace and we should fight it at all forums. If this flood is not stopped it will have implications of our choices even to wear what one likes or dislikes.

They (Taliban)have narrowest possible approach to life... and unfortunately they have bullets and bombs and use them to kill innocent people. This is inhuman and it grows from false and narrow interpretation of religion, this is fundamental issue. USA, Afghan War , poverty, all other issues come later.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thoughts on Religious frenzy in Pakistan

They were here we never noticed it. and let them grow and they have become monsters. I still remember 1995 in Lahore we were buying corn from a rehri and there was my female class fellow with me and it was summer she was wearing dupatta in her neck a mullah passed near her and made some stupid remarks which I did,nt listen I asked her what happened she said kuch nhin huwa . I insisted and then she tried to avoid it and said it happens. I asked her correct words then it was why you are not wearing dupatta on your head . I wanted to rush and ask that guy who the hell you are to tell her this? BUt my class fellow stopped me but I was really angry although it was my first year in lahore . This non sense was there.

And we let it grow by our own complacency, we never spoke against this abuse on name of religion and this has become fashion now to do all non sense things on name of religion and stifle debate and healthy way of life. We are afraid now to speak truth, mullah has taken over terms and definitions of Islam as per his narrow interpretation.

These bigots pasted wrong translations of Qur'an in public transport and distributed pamphlets on all non sense issues. they have hijacked the space of thinking and by propaganda taken all the authority of dictating norms of society in their own hands. and we merely say it is reaction to USA, no these are inner complexes and are inhuman and against spirit of humanity and Islam.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random Thoughts on Human rights

The human rights are universal and they are not exclusive to any specific religion, difference in intyerpretation and implementation is always there.Does Shari'ah and Muslim law acknowledge the human right to exist regardless of religion, race, etc...?This question has an answer, that in Islam there is no distinction of human beings on the bases of religion or idea to be reason for denying fundamental human rights.All human life is sacred irespective of race,co.,or, ideas and any thing else....

Human life can not be taken away except as prescribed by Law... in Islamic culture equivalent of this term is Shariah ( used in Cairo Declaration)Dear Paula , as to Jewish legal tradition , it has many many points which are not compatible with modern realities of life as interpretation of many Islamic laws is not in line with present realities of social and culturla level.

The point being referred usually in debate on the issue of killing infidels is about the situation when it is WAR, active war and in the battlefield not outside that specific context. Because Islam 's legal ideas even are applicable in war, Wars were humanized by Islamic ideas of humanity.IN no circumstances , a life can be taken only due to reason that he or she differs from one's... Read more rel;igious or other ideas. Human life is sacrosanct in all the circumstances except when one;s life in dnager then eevry one has rigth for self defence but it does not approve pre-emptive strikes. A blatrant cruelity of our modern state craft.As to legal comparison of different traditions of Law, it is amazing field where new ideas are explored. If you have any questions please let em know.thx.


 اداسی اور بے بسی بے عملی اور کٹھور پن.