Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Buddha as a person will remain as an inspiration in its pure form. I agree that the political realities have taken over the spiritual messages of the Buddha.Budhha was an inspring person who in evoked the sense of balance for his followers. His Nirvana was discovery of a tormented spirit to search bliss.The relaity of present adherence is more of its followers than the teachings of Great Sage.

After 18th century the development of Buddhism has been in the monastries, and in Japan , China, and other countires of South east Asia it had been dormant.If you look at the present ideas on Buddhism in Japan they are being directly related to the issues of sutainable development, environment and other related soft issues . these are covertly political issues may be not at present but in China hte 2006 's buddhist Forum heralds new changes in the behaviour of Buddhist thought to the modern political cum social relaities of Globalization.the political role of Buddhism in tibet is the msot political and it has direct bearing with the political ambitions and Lamaism of Tibet.This has its own unique contours, so after 18th century the Buddhist thought has;nt been single dimensional. it has multi dimensional facets.But as a political force it was not the purpose of Buddha's thought and his followers from Ashoka to present have modified it in line with for their own circumstances.

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